Ride Safe FAQs: Part 2

Today we are going to continue our FAQ series to help people learn more about our product and how it can better serve athletes in time of emergency.

Where is my medical ID code found?
The ID code is on the underside of the face plate where it contacts the skin. This way, first responders can find it easily but it is not so readily available that anyone looking at your bracelet could find it.

What does the yearly subscription cost?
There is a $5.00 annual fee which includes website maintenance as well as reminder emails about updating medical info and future newsletters.

How do I access my medical information?
As a Ride Safe team member, you will generate a password that will allow you to edit and access your medical info on the medical information page of the website. So, once you are registered, you have an account. That account will allow you to edit your general profile (the information engraved on the plate), medical profile (complete medical history), and change your password.

Is my medical information secure?
There are two ways that the medical information is secure. There is a separate server that holds all the medical data. The server is hosted in a highly secured data center with round the clock monitoring and Firewalls. The browser sessions from your computer to the website are also encrypted with a SSL certificate. On top of it all we have also encrypted your Medical data in the database so no one else can see your medical data apart from you. Also, the password that you generate is the only way to change the medical information. Additionally, the only medical information added is data that is important to know in an emergency. Therefore, what you put in the medical database is what you choose to add and is protected by your password. We therefore encourage you to use strong passwords.

How many lines can I have on my ID plate?
There is a maximum of 6 lines on the face plate. The first line must be your name and the last line must be the website (www.teamridesafe.com). You may have less than six lines if you choose. There are a maximum of 24 characters per line.

What is the bracelet made of?
The band is a non-allergenic silicone with stainless steel clasp and face plate.

Is there a discount for buying multiple bracelets?
No, at this point, we do not offer a discount for buying more than one bracelet.

What are the United States Pony Club Requirements for the face plate?
As of January 2015, the Pony Club rule requires 6 items to be engraved on the face plate (in no particular order other than the name on the first line): – Name (first and last) – Date of birth – Allergies – Current medication – Medical conditions – Emergency contact (name and phone number).

Learn more and get your Ride Safe bracelet today at: www.teamridesafe.com!


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